Flight Training for International Students in Regina
1 Enrollment
A. Contact the Regina Flying Club
Contact the Regina Flying Club regarding our training and pilot license programs. The RFC will provide you with the requirements for each pilot license and/or ratings including ground school and flight training requirements, age and medical requirements, and estimated completion times and costs. Students can apply and enroll in a flight training program throughout the year.
B. Obtain a Canadian Aviation Medical
To qualify for Canadian aviation licensing you must have a Canadian aviation medical certificate issued by Transport Canada. Transport Canada has approved aviation medical examiners in International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) member countries. A list of medical examiners is provided on Transport Canada’s website.
When applying for the Aviation Medical Certificate please indicate that you are applying for a Category 1 medical. A Category Aviation Medical Certificate is mandatory to enroll with us and is required for the Commercial Pilot License.
Once you have obtained and signed your medical certificate submit a copy to the RFC. The RFC cannot issue a letter of acceptance until you have obtained the appropriate Category 1 aviation medical certificate.
C. Letter of Acceptance
Once we have received all the required documents, we will process your application. If your application is successful, we will then issue you a letter of acceptance. You will require this letter to apply for your Student visa.
D. Training Costs
The same training rates will be used for both domestic and international students. Ground school tuition and training supplies costs (e.g. books, maps, etc.) must be paid prior to commencement of ground school. Flight Training fees will be paid upon completion of each training flight. Please contact the Regina Flying Club for current rates.
E. Foreign Credentials
A minimum of Grade 12 as demonstrated by a High School Diploma and transcript is required to enroll in the Regina Flying Club pilot training program. These documents must be submitted with your application.
F. Language Proficiency
English is the international language of aviation and the primary language of instruction at the Regina Flying Club. Prior to issuance of a pilot license, all student pilots must successfully complete an Aviation English Language Proficiency Test. Students whose first language is not English must provide documentation that demonstrates their English as a Second Language (ESL) or Foreign Language (EFL) proficiency prior to commencing training at the Regina Flying Club.
Assistance with English Language Proficiency can be obtained through the following programs:
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS-A) – Minimum of 6.
- Test of Foreign Language (TOEFL) – Minimum of 70.
More information on ESL Training can be obtained from the University of Regina English as a Second Language Academic Program.
2 RFC Location and Transportation
The Regina Flying Club is located at the Regina (CYQR) International Airport approximately 5 kilometers from the city centre/downtown. The RFC is easily accessible by vehicle from any location in the city.
The Regina City Transit Service recently added service to the airport area with a stop just down the street from the RFC hangar location. Public transit information is available from the City of Regina website:
See google maps:
3 Accommodation
The following are links to major sites for accommodation rental in Regina:
- https://rentals.ca/regina
- https://www.zillow.com/regina-sk/rentals/
- https://www.kijiji.ca/b-for-rent/regina-area/c30349001l1700194
- http://www.bwalk.com/en-CA/Rent/Search/Saskatchewan/Regina
Beware of scams through websites like Facebook Marketplace. Always research a location and make sure the listing is legitimate before giving them any money for a deposit.
The Government of Saskatchewan Office of Residential Tenancies (ORL) provides services to renters (tenants) and landlords including rights and responsibilities applicable to both parties. An information handbook for renters is available. The link to the ORL website is:
4 Health Services
International Students temporarily resident in Saskatchewan may apply for a Saskatchewan Health Services card to be eligible for health benefits. Application may include the student’s spouse/partner and all dependents under age 18.
To be eligible for a health services card you must:
- have a valid study permit
- be registered full-time in a designated education institution
- have a Saskatchewan residence
- provide proof of identification (eg. passport)
Information regarding health benefits and applying for a health services card may be accessed from these websites:
The City of Regina is located within the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region. The health region
serves the City of Regina and the surrounding rural community. Through the health region
website https://www.rqhealth.ca the following information and links can be accessed:
- list of medical clinics
- list of hospitals
- “Find a Doctor” – list of health clinic locations where doctors are accepting new patients
- patient advocate services
- health line (email and telephone 811)
- list of programs and services including mental health services and the Regina mental
health clinic
Additional health care coverage may be purchased through private health care insurance plan providers. Plan coverage includes dental care, vision care and prescription drug benefits. The links to the private health benefit providers are:
- Group Medical Services http://www.gms.ca
- Blue Cross http://www.sk.bluecross.ca
5 Counselling Services
The Regina Flying Club acknowledges that living and studying away from home can be stressful and we are committed to making your experience with us as enjoyable, successful and stress free as possible. The Chief Flight Instructor and General Manager of the RFC are available and approachable to assist you in dealing with any issues that arise while attending at our school. The Canadian Mental Health Association provides information to assist individuals in regards to mental health.
The Saskatchewan website link is: http://sk.cmha.ca
- The following organizations in Regina provide general, family, personal and life skills
counselling: - Elizabeth Scheepers http://www.scheepers-ccc.com
- Beve Gardner MA(Psychology), Clinical Counsellor, Lebell and Associates, (306) 359-6111
- Family Service Regina http://familyserviceregina.com
- Catholic Family Services Regina http://www.cfsregina.ca
6 Community Connections
In conjunction with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan the Regina Open Door Society provides a welcome service for newcomers to Regina. The Regina Newcomer Welcome Centre provides welcoming, immigration and transition services for clients. The services provided by these organizations include, but is not limited to the following:
- Resume Preparation
- Development of Interview Skills,
- Managing Stress, and
- Managing Finances.
The Regina Open Door Society website: http://rods.sk.ca
The Regina Newcomer Welcome Centre website: http://reginanewcomercentre.ca
7 Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Information on how to apply for a Study Permit is available on the Government of Canada
Immigation and Citizenship website in
English http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study.asp
French http://www.cic.gc.ca/francais/etudier/index.asp
One of the primary requirements for study permit eligibility if proof of acceptance to study with a designated school in Canada. The Regina Flying Club will provide you with a letter of acceptance to meet this requirement. In addition to proof of acceptance you will be required to provide proof of citizenship and financial support.
8 Harassment and Discrimination Prevention
The Regina Flying Club is committed to a safe, healthy and respectful workplace free of harassment and discrimination. The RFC does not tolerate harassment in the workplace. The RFC Harassment Policy applies to employees, members, clients and students. Included in the student orientation package is a copy of the RFC Anti-Harassment Policy and a copy is posted in the RFC office.
The RFC conducts its business adhering to the principle of fairness and equity in the treatment of employees, members, students and clients. The RFC does not discriminate nor provide favour in its relationship with its students.
All aviation licensing programs conducted by the RFC are conducted in strict adherence to the standards and requirements set and controlled by Transport Canada. These standards and requirements are applied equally to all persons training with the RFC.
9 Student Support Services
Student support services including Flight Instructor assignment, flight training scheduling, conflict resolution and liaison with Transport Canada licensing authority are organized and accessed through the Chief Flight Instructor (CFI) or the office of the General Manager of the RFC. Services may be accessed through direct contact with the CFI or the General Manager.
- Regina Flying Club, may be contacted by phone at (306) 525-6194 or
email at info@reginaflyingclub.ca
10 Academic Supports
All Flight Instructors with the RFC are Transport Canada qualified and are specifically trained to provide students with the best learning environment and experience possible, both ground and flight and to meet the strict training and qualification standards set by Transport Canada. You will be partnered with a primary Instructor for your course program but all Instructors are approachable and available to assist you as may be required. The RFC provides:
- one-on-one Instructor/student ground learning sessions
- access to on-line ground school courses
- Transport Canada written examination tutoring
11 Student in Good Standing Policies
A. Appeal Process
To be eligible for the issuance of a Canadian Aviation Pilot License or Rating you must successfully pass a written examination and flight test. All flight tests and written examinations are conducted by Transport Canada staff, or individuals who have delegated authority to conduct flight tests or invigilate written exams. Both the written examination and the flight test are conducted in accordance with Transport Canada Aviation Licensing Regulations and Standards.
Where the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of a flight test they may submit a complaint to Transport Canada within 30 days of the test. The complaint must address the conduct of the flight test and not the test results. Transport Canada must review and consider the complaint, and instruct a re-test be conducted. Complaints relating to a failed written examination will be submitted to Transport Canada for their review and consideration.
B. Attendance
Students are expected to be prepared, attend, and participate in all scheduled ground school and flight training events. Tardiness or failure to attend scheduled training events without explanation may result in instructor charges and dismissal from the flight training program.
The Regina Flying Club recognizes that student attendance and progress through a training program is based upon individual circumstance, availability, capacity, and application. The ability to succeed in completion of a flight training program in a timely manner will be influenced by the frequency of training. The student must also be aware that the training program may be influenced by unforeseen situations such as weather, aircraft and instructor availability, and aircraft maintenance issues.
C. Financial
Students whose account is more than 30 days in arrear are not in good standing and may be subject to restricted access to the flight training program.
D. Student Record Policy
ISP Student Records will include the following:
- RFC Student ISP Status
- Current Medical Certificate
- RFC Letter of Acceptance to program.
- Ground School Record
- License or rating application(s)
These files will be retained for a minimum of two years following completion or withdrawal from the Regina Flying Club ISP Student Training program. Transfer of the Pilot Training Record (PTR) will be conducted in accordance with Transport Canada Regulations and Standards.
E. Student Dismissal
Where a student’s status in regards to continuation in a RFC program is under review and/or consideration, the RFC shall discuss the matter with the student. Each instance shall be dealt with by the RFC on an individual basis. If the decision is to dismiss the student from the program, the student shall be informed of the decision in writing including the reasons for the decision. The RFC shall inform Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and the Ministry of Advanced Education of a student’s status in this regard. All funds provided for training will be refunded to the entity that provided the funding for the ISP student’s training.
F. Student Withdrawal
Should a student decide to withdrawal from training they may do so at any time. Students who are in good standing will have access to all their training records. Students who are not in good financial standing will not have access to their training records until all holds have been removed from the student’s training record. Should a student decide to discontinue their flight training in order to pursue studies at another designated post-secondary institution within Canada they need to:
- Inform Citizenship and Immigration Canada of the change;
- Be aware of any implications for their study and work in Canada, and
- Ensure they are meeting all of the conditions of their study permit.
G. Student Records
All student records will be retained for a minimum of two (2) years following completion or withdrawal from the program. The transfer of the Student Pilot Training Record (PTR) will be in accordance with Transport Canada regulations and standards.
The Regina Flying Club Student Record shall include:
- Student ISP Status
- Aviation Medical Certficate
- RFC Program Acceptance
- Transport Canada written examinations and flight test record reports.
- Ground school records
- License or rating application(s)
H. Marketing
All relevant information will be available to Regina Flying Club students, including ISP students, on the Regina Flying Club website (http://reginaflyingclub.ca/)
Information is also available by contacting the Regina Flying Club at (306) 525-6194, email info@reginaflyingclub.ca or by visiting us on Facebook and Instagram.